We all know that image integration, product and service link integration, and the inclusion of special offers are traditional ways to promote brands. Since social media has evolved, it is essential to understand ways of engaging consumers by utilizing features that align with Google’s SEO ranking.
Improve Brand Identity and Awareness
The first step towards improving Google search visibility on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and other social network is to work on your brand awareness. Google your business name first and see what shows up in search results. You will likely see a social media carousel like the Twitter carousel, and you may or may not like what you see. Understand this: You have complete control over what comes up in search engines like Google when your brand is Googled. If you don’t have a social media platform carousel appearing for your brand, you need to create one to improve brand awareness.
Create Unique and Valuable Content
This is online brand marketing and SEO 101. People are exposed to hundreds, even thousands, of social media impressions everyday—they can spot a generic post instantaneously. Create unique content your followers care about, and keep in mind your audiences’ everyday challenges and responsibilities. Don’t hesitate to ask them directly what they like to discuss. If you have team members, encourage them to share your content regularly, and you should share theirs, also.
Create Carousels to Improve Your Google Visibility
The first way to create a better carousel is to discuss trending topics on your social media pages. This will grab the attention of old and new followers. For this reason, let your tweets, Insta stories, and Facebook posts reflect how trendy you are. Create engaging copy, include a link to your brand, and share the same content on your social media networks.
Tag Influencers
It is important to mention other popular social media accounts and encourage them to mention yours. You can tag them in your Facebook posts, Tweets, and Instagram posts. Tagging other accounts will surely boost your Google visibility in the long run. To discover those relevant in your space, think about influencers and thought leaders and engage them regularly before you tag them.
Use Hashtags Strategically
Always include the most relevant and popular hashtags on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, but don’t over-use them. The use of hashtags increases SERPs on Google and other search engines. While using hashtags, you must exemplify your brand message so your followers can understand what you stand for and why they should care about your products and services.
Use Targeted Keywords and Calls to Action
Use the right targeted keywords, especially those that call to action—these will keep your audience busy on your social media network pages. But your calls to action should be informative and valuable.
Remain Active and Relevant
Another important thing to keep expanding your visibility is to remain active and build your following. When you are active across all platforms, your audience will be engaged and entertained for a long, and they will likely return regularly. Don’t just tweet and post messages to engage your audiences; post relevant information only. Please pay attention to social media legitimacy because it can affect your Google rank and visibility. Do not share content for commercial purposes; you may be penalized for such. Since Google has filed a patent to check original and fake social media accounts, it pays to keep your accounts active for Google to trust you. Focus on building your following and expanding your audience.
Don’t Forget Your Bios
It is equally important that you optimize your Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter bios. Your bio is the first thing people will see when they check out your profile. It is also possible to add some emojis, hashtags, and keywords in your bio to attract more attention.
This Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Achieving the best Google visibility is not a day’s work; you need to search for your brand and examine the results that come out. You can maximize content promotion for your brand through link building and brand-specific content. The farther your content reaches on social media, the more even strangers will likely share it, like, and comment on it. The bottom line is that to increase your Google visibility, and you have to increase your audience engagements, constantly expand your audiences and improve your SEO strategies. But remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint. It will take time and consistent effort. This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.