Find out what that is in this video posted by TikTok user @ruleofthebone.


“Wow,” writes a commenter. “LA is like the capital of hit and run,” remarks another. “So many don’t have insurance, or even a valid license.” “Welcome to L.A.,” says a user sarcastically. “Hit-and-run capital of the world. No insurance.” One viewer of the video imagines what the driver is saying: “‘Nope. Not today. See ya.’” “Tell me you don’t already have a prior without saying anything,” writes a user. “This is one of those you-can’t-make-this-stuff-up moments,” remarks another. One video watcher notices a detail: “Looks like the car was being chased by the silver car. Not sure if they were trying to get the tag number.” “Sure, blame it on the street,” jokes a commenter. “I like how the camera person kept the shot going!” another video watcher exclaims. “Excellent!” Recommended For You

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