This brief but informative video from the fabulous TikTok user @thegalacticgal explains what Elon Musk needs to do to get the rocket into space.


According to the New York Times, “The actions Mr. Musk’s company must take include earlier notice of launches, monitoring of vegetation and wildlife by a biologist, coordination with state and federal agencies to remove launch debris from sensitive habitats and adjustment of lighting to lessen impact on wildlife and a nearby beach.” Environmental groups were critical of the decision. The Center for Biological Diversity wants to see a more meticulous Environmental Impact Statement. As Government Technology reports, “The mitigation measures that SpaceX is proposing are absolutely inadequate and won’t save Boca Chica’s incredibly important migratory bird habitat,” said Jared Margolis, a CBD senior attorney. “Federal aviation officials have been shirking their responsibility, but the FAA has a legal obligation to take a hard look at the environmental harms of this expansion.” Recommended for you

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