The classic street-and-park sport has always been a great recreational activity. If you’re a skater and you haven’t tried it yet, the thrill can be pumped up a notch with boards powered by electric motors. This video from Reddit user SMaynard824 displays a speedometer tracking his sweet ride through a quiet-looking neighborhood. Check out how fast he goes: The video gives us a good glimpse of the skater’s journey, but the sensation of cruising those streets can only be enjoyed fully on the board itself. As the title of the video mentions, these boards are made by a company called Bustin—specifically, Bustin Board Company. SMaynard824’s model is a Sportster V2. The company’s Website calls the board a hybrid, for “push and power.” The Sportster Hybrid V3 is now available. Riding an e-board around your home sounds like a great time, but what if you’re traveling and you want to take it with you? This is no problem if you’re traveling by land or sea. If you want to get on an airplane, the company’s blog says, for now you’re going to have to go without it. “The battery in the Hybrid Sportster is too large to pass standard airline security checks. If you attempt to fly with your board in your checked bag or as a carry-on, this will cause delays and may even make you miss your flight. Unfortunately at this point the only option is to leave the board.”