Let’s compare the two on each of the major mobile functionalities.

1. Modes of Operation

Android is an open source operating system that lets users customize their devices and apps to fit their specific needs. This flexibility makes it easier for users to find applications that will work best with them. Android also offers more customization options than Apple’s iPhone OS, which means you can make your phone look exactly how you want it to look and feel in terms of weight, size and power consumption. The software itself has been tailored specifically for smartphones and tablets; there are no desktop versions available at this time (although there might be in the future). However, if you do have access to a PC, then installing Linux onto your Android device would be possible.

2. Next Generation Technology

Though it has been around for a while, Android endures as a next generation technology. And it’s still one of the best ways to get your apps and games on your phone. The latest version of Android is called Oreo, which was released in August 2017. Android Nougat was released in July 2016 and came with some improvements over Marshmallow that included better battery life and more secure software. The full timeline of Android upgrades over the years is a fascinating look at the evolution of mobile technology.

3. Wireless Charging Compatibility

Wireless charging is a new technology that’s still in its infancy, but it’s already becoming more widely available. If you have an Android phone with wireless charging capabilities, then you’ll be able to use your phone while it’s being charged. The feature is not available on all phones and requires certain apps or hardware accessories for it to work (e.g., some companies offer cases that include built-in Qi transmitters). However, those who do have access can expect faster charge times than their old wired chargers—and more convenience too! You don’t have to worry about cables getting tangled up or losing power over time because there are no wires involved at all; just place them wherever they fit best (like on top of your nightstand or next to your bedside table). And since this method doesn’t require any batteries inside the device itself (just magnets), there really aren’t any downsides here either: no need for batteries means less waste production during production runs.

4. Performance and Processor

The A12 Bionic chip is a 7 nanometer chip, while the Snapdragon 845 is a 10 nanometer chip. This means that it will have better performance and speed than any other Android-based phone on the market right now. Apple’s A12 Bionic chip is also built on TSMC’s 7nm process node and has been optimized for mobile devices to give you more power efficiency than ever before seen in a smartphone or tablet!

5. Graphic Performance and Gaming Experience

The graphic performance of both Apple and Android devices is good. However, the graphics performance of Android devices is superior to that of Apple’s iPhones. Most games work great on both platforms and you can choose whichever one you prefer based on your needs or preferences. Apple has proven itself as a gaming company with its most successful console being the App Store that offers thousands of games from independent developers at no cost compared to their counterparts in Google Play Store, which charges $0.99 for most apps (with some exceptions). You can also find some amazing titles from big publishers like Electronic Arts, who have published many popular titles such as Fifa Mobile Football Manager 16 (free) or Assassins Creed III Liberation HD ($4.99).

6. Battery Performance and Backup

Battery performance is one of the most important aspects of your phone, especially if you’re going to be using it for long periods of time. Android has a much better battery life than Apple does; this means that you’ll be able to use your smartphone longer without having to charge it. Android also has more power-efficient software and hardware, which means that while an iPhone may last longer on standby than an Android device (since they don’t need as much processing power), they can still drain their batteries faster if they’re used intensively.

7. Camera Performance and Image Quality

The camera is a very important part of any smartphone. With high-quality cameras on both sides and lots of features to play with, this battle will be interesting to watch. If you’re looking for something with a great camera, there are many Android and Apple phones to choose from.

8. Sound quality and audio performance.

The audio quality of an Android phone is better than that of an Apple product. This is because, unlike iOS, Android doesn’t have any restrictions when it comes to the way you can use your device for music and videos. You can listen to podcasts or watch YouTube videos with headphones or speakers if you’d like! Android also has a lot more options when it comes to speaker types (you can choose between two and four). And while some people may prefer their phones’ default speakers over external ones, others may actually prefer using them because they’re easier on the ears while watching movies on your phone or listening through headphones during work hours—they’ll save you from being distracted by loud noises coming from outside!

9. Display Quality, Size and Resolution Capability

Display quality is the most important feature of any smartphone. It’s measured by PPI, or pixels per inch. The higher the number of pixels per inch, the sharper and clearer your display will be. The size of a phone’s screen directly affects its performance and usability as well as how much you can fit on it without running into problems (this is called “screen estate”). For example, an iPhone 8 Plus has a 5.5-inch display with 2816 x 1125 pixels at 458 ppi—that’s roughly 2 times more than what you get from an iPhone XS Max (3:1 ratio). That makes text easier to read because there are fewer distractions around each letter when compared with phones with smaller screens like those found in Android devices such as Galaxy S9 or Note 9.

10. RAM Capacity, ROM Capacity, and Storage

RAM is the pre-existing internal storage of your phone. ROM is the storage that is built in to your phone. RAM is used to load apps and store data, while ROM stores all of your operating system files. The main difference between both these two types of memory are as follows:

RAM - This can be easily expanded by inserting a microSD card into it; however, this may increase the cost of replacing it if you want more space for storing media files or other large amounts of information on your smartphone device. ROM - This remains constant regardless of how much additional storage you have added through an external SD card slot; therefore, there’s no need for users who want maximum freedom from their smartphone devices when traveling abroad because they won’t need any special precautions taken before leaving home country. Everything will still work perfectly fine even though there might be limits imposed.


Android is a low budget smartphone compared to apple, but you can make anything by simply updating or installing custom ROM from websites like XDA developers etc. Apple’s iPhone is expensive, but it’s also powerful and has all the latest features that you want in your next smartphone. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. © 2022 hamza gulzar

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